20 min : 70€
30 min : 90€
45 min : 110€
60 min : 160€
Please note.
The price includes the reception fee, office fee and MyKanta service fee.
Prices are after Kela compensation (if you have a Kela-card)
Vehicle drivers under the age of 70: 100€
Vehicle drivers over the age of 70: 100-130€
Mole/skin change cut (1-3 pcs) price estimate: 170€ – 310€ (after Kela compensation, if you have a Kela-card)
Removal of a foreign object from the cornea (eye), final price: 125€ (after Kela compensation, if you have a Kela-card)
Toe/finger nail removal/ resection, final price: 170€ (after Kela compensation, if you have a Kela-card)
Joint injection (e.g. cortisone injection) including doctor’s appointment + medicine, final price: 100€ (after Kela compensation, if you have a Kela-card)
Joint injection for osteoarthritis treatment: doctor’s procedure + (Biolevox (4.8 ml) knee injection): 240.00€ (final price after Kela compensation, if you have a Kela-card)
Joint injections for the treatment of osteoarthritis (e.g. HYALGAN knee infection series (2 ml per injection), incl. 3 injection procedures) : 200€ * (after Kela compensation, if you have a Kela-card)
The joint injection medicine is not included in the price
e.g. Solomet cum bupivacaine 2 ml cortisone injection price 20€
For all injection treatments, an appointment must be booked at the customer service number 050 514 9618 at least the day before.
Telephone / Video contact appointment 20 min : 65€ (only in Finnish)
Price after Kela compensation, if you have a Kela-card
Renewal of prescriptions requires that the doctor knows the patient’s situation (at least one visit in our clinic)
Nurse’s appointment price list
20 min : 30€
30 min : 40€
MMSE test (memory test for drivers over the age of 70) : 30€
Vaccination : 30€ *
The doctor will write an e-prescription for the customer after booking the appointment, free of charge.
An appointment for vaccination can be booked in advance by calling the customer service number 050 514 9618.
Nurse’s appointment price list
20min : 30€
30 min : 40€
(Wound care supplies are billed separately)
You don’t need to fast, you can also do it in the evening, because it doesn’t include hormone tests.
Included : B-PVK+T, S-Lipidit, S-hs-CRP, B -HbA1c, S-Krea, S-ALAT, S-D-25, S-Ferrit, S-Na, S-Mg, S-Ca
No need to fast, but come before 12 noon (for S-Testo test).
Included: B-PVK+T, S-Lipidit, S-hs-CRP, B -HbA1c, S-Krea, S-ALAT, S-D-25, S-Ferrit, S-TSH, S-T4-V, S-Na, S-Mg, S-Ca, P-PSA, S-Testo
No need to fast, but come before 2 p.m. (for S-TSH and S-T4 tests).
Included: B-PVK+T, S-Lipidit, S-hs-CRP, B -HbA1c, S-Krea, S-ALAT, S-D-25, S-Ferrit, S-TSH, S-T4-V, S-Na, S-Mg, S-Ca
No need to fast, but come before 2 p.m. (for S-TSH and S-T4 tests).
Included: B-PVK+T, S-Lipidit, B -HbA1c, S-Krea, S-ALAT, S-D-25, S-Ferrit, S-TSH, S-T4-V, S-Na, S-Mg, S-Ca
No need to fast, but come before 12 noon (for S-Testo test).
Included: B-PVK+T, S-Lipidit, B -HbA1c, S-Krea, S-ALAT, S-D-25, S-Ferrit, S-TSH, S-T4-V, S-Zn, S-Na, S-Mg, S-Ca, S-Testo, S-hs-CRP, P-PSA
No need to fast, but come before 2 p.m. (for S-TSH and S-T4 tests).
Included: B-PVK+T, S-Lipidit, S-hs-CRP, B -HbA1c, S-Krea, S-ALAT, S-D-25, S-Ferrit, S-TSH, S-T4-V, S-Zn, S-Na, S-Mg, S-Ca
No need to fast.
Included: S-LH, S-FSH, S-E2, S-PRL, fP-PTH, S-SHBG, S-Testo
No need to fast.
Included: S-LH, S-FSH, S-E2, S-PRL, S-Testo
Please note.
1. If the customer wants more tests that are not included in the lab package, then the price of the lab test will be 10% off.
2. ECG examination is currently not available.
* The price includes the office fee and MyKanta service fee.
The office fee and MyKanta service fee are 10€ per visit. With the payment, we cover the system and archiving costs related to the MyKanta service.
PAD-1 (4054): 70,00 €
PAD-3 (4056): 140,00 €
B -PVK+T (2474) : 18 €
B -PVK+TKD (2475): 25 €
S -Lipidit (2245): 30 €
S -hs-CRP (1216): 20 €
S -proBNP (4617): 70 €
B -HbA1c (1560): 16 €
fP-Gluk vieritutk. (1468): 15 €
S -Krea (2143): 20 €
P -Krea (4600): 20 €
B -La (2203): 15 €
S -B12-Vit (1137): 20 €
S -B12-TC2 (1142): 70 €
S -D-25 (1220): 40 €
S -Na (2382): 15 €
S -Mg (2303): 15 €
S -K (2001): 15 €
S -Zn (123350): 40 €
S -Ca (2013): 15 €
S -Ca-Albk (6032): 35 €
fS -Pi (1432): 15 €
S -Ferrit (1395): 20 €
fS -Fe (2566): 17 €
fS -Transf (2756): 15 €
fS -Folaat (1416): 20 €
S -Uraat (2884): 12 €
P -TT-INR (4520): 20 €
P -APTT (2783): 40 €
P -FIDD (4113): 40 €
S -RF (3550): 25 €
P -RF (12074): 25 €
S -CCPAb (4744): 35 €
S -ANA (2819): 25 €
B -La (2203): 15 €
S -Reuma laaja: 180 €, sis. -ANA, -AST, -CRP, -Kryo-O, -RF, -CCPAb, -ENAAbL, -ChtrAbG, -YersAb, -C3
S -Reuma-M medium: 155 €, sis. -ANA, -AST, -RF, -CCPAb, -ENAAbL, -DNAnAb
S -IgA (1666): 20 €
S -tTGAbA (1885): 35 €
S -Bil (1185): 12 €
S -Afos (1046): 10 €
S -ASAT (1128): 15 €
S -ALAT (1026) : 17 €
S -GT (1489): 15 €
S -Amyl (1078): 25 €
S -HepyAb (3950): 45 €
F -HepyAg (3952): 60 €
B -Lakt-D (4614) : 50 €
S -CEA (2034): 25 €
S -Ca 19-9 (3412): 50 €
Peth ( Fosfatidyylietanoli) ( 12510) : 60 €
S -ALAT (1026) : 17 €
S -GT (1489): 15 €
S -Amyl (1078): 25 €
P -PSA (4869): 25 €
S -Ca 12-5 (3414): 40 €
S -Ca 15-3 (3587): 50 €
S -Ca 19-9 (3412): 50 €
S -CEA (2034): 25 €
S -TSH (2832): 20 €
S -T4-V (2836): 20 €
S -TPOAb (4028): 25 €
S -E2 (1366): 30 €
S -Korsol (2129): 26 €
S -FSH (1422): 25 €
S -LH (2265): 25 €
S -PROG (2502): 25 €
S -PRL (2507): 25 €
fP -PTH (4560) : 45 €
S -SHBG (2737): 40 €
S -Testo (2735): 30 €
S -Testo-VL (6451): 35 €
S -TestoMS (12593): 60 €
S -TestoMS-VL (12594): 70 €
S -IgE (1673): 25 €
S -IgE-Ps (3834): 70 € perusseulonta
S -IgE-Pse (1722) : 100 € perusseulonta ja erittely sis.7172 ja 7154
S -Ruoka5er (7172) : 65 € ruoka-aine erittely
S -PölyEr (7154) : 65 € pölyerittely
S -RuoComE (12611) : 85 € ruokaerittely ja komponentit
S -IgE-Ss (3835) : 40 € immunoglobuliini E, ryhmätutkimus
S -IgE-Sse (4224) : 65 € ryhmä- ja erittelytutkimus
S -All IgE (3836): 40 € allergeeni
S -All ComE (12610) : 140 € perusseulonta ja komponentit
U -bakt.viljely (1155) : 40 €
U -Kemseul (1881) : 25 € vieritutkimus
U -Klamydia + gc (4816): 45 €
Ps -nielunäyte (4290): 40 €
Ps -StrVi (2703): 30 €
Pu -bakt.viljely1 (3491) : 40 €
Pu -bakt.viljely2 (3492) : 35 €
S -BorrAb (3552): 55 € Borrelia burgdorferi
S -HIVAgAb (4814): 40 €
The office fee per visit + MyKanta service fee (in total 20€) is added to the total price of the examinations.
The fee covers the system and archiving costs related to the MyKanta service.
All doctor/nurse appointments are paid by card or cash.
Accepted payment cards: Visa and Mastercard
The appointment prices shown on our website are both final prices and may vary slightly depending on the appointment price determined by the expert.
Please note that the appointment time also includes time spent preparing for the appointment and preparing document markings, referrals and research requests after the appointment.
Procedures (for example removal of moles, taking a sample, joint injection, nail removal, wound suturing, ear, nose and throat procedures and taking samples) are invoiced according to a separate price list.
Treatment supplies used or given to you at the reception will be invoiced separately. (The price of care supplies is 20€-50€ depending on the care supply and the amount of supplies used.)
Canceling a doctor’s appointment without payment must be done no later than one hour before the appointment.
We charge a fee (€50) for an appointment that has not been cancelled.